Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another week old!

Hard to believe Kyle will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. He had his 2wk doctor's appointment yesterday, which proved that all the breastfeeding was paying off. His weight went from 7 pounds 11 oz last week to 8 pounds 8 oz this week (he's above his birth weight). He was such a trooper and didn't cry at all during his appointment. Dr. Safir seemed very pleased with how we're all doing and now we don't go back for another month. Yesterday we went for a nice long walk and had another bath. Today we visited with our friend Tiffany (expecting her baby in 2 weeks) and met friends Allison and Annie for coffee at Starbucks. So nice to feel like part of society again, getting out of the house in my number one piece of advice for any new mom (do it as soon as you can!). We're being spoiled with dinners from friends and really enjoyed having Nick, Julia, Spencer and Ryan over last night (thanks for dinner!) Tomorrow night we will attempt (if it's not too cold) to bundle Kyle up and head into Los Gatos for the Los Gatos/Saratoga football game - after dinner with Johnny, Reilly and Alexa. I'm also very excited to see all my work buddies tomorrow for lunch - lots of good company. Kyle is stirring and looking for more food, so I better get going. Thanks for keeping up to date via the blog.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

In a routine

Anyone who has seen us lately has probably heard, "he's such a good baby." Don't want to jinx ourselves but he's truly wonderful. He's fallen into a routine and really only seems to cry when he's hungry, in need of a diaper change or overly tired. Chad has a way of holding him that immediately calms him down if Kyle does have a breakdown (such a good thing). Yesterday his umbilical cord stump fell off, so we're hoping to have a "real bath" today, rather than the sponge baths he's been given in the past week (we'll see how that goes). Back to the diaper thing.....I am amazed at how something so small can dirty a diaper (and I mean DIRTY) so many times a day. I've also learned that there is nothing like being peed on during a 4AM diaper change - you definitely need to keep a sense of humor. By the way, those "pee pee tee pees" don't seem to work at this young age, although he may grow into them. Seems the towel method works much better right now, to ensure complete coverage. Yesterday Kyle and I took a field trip to Daddy's work and then also hung out all afternoon with Auntie Jennifer and cousins (Sara and Lynsey). Today we're off to another Dr's appointment, so we'll see how much weight he gained in the past week. I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

We have left the house!

All is going well. Life really started to feel normal when Chad, Kyle and I went to dinner at El Burro with my parents on Friday night. We all needed it after staying in all week - little stir crazy. We were so relieved, Kyle didn't even bat an eye, just slept in his car seat the entire hour. On Saturday, we took Kyle to his buddy Spencer's 2nd Birthday party and also out to dinner for Grandma Nelson's birthday (Happy Birthday Lynn!!) - very big day. He was great. He slept and then melted down on the way to his grandparents house, which was perfect....over due for a diaper change and very hungry. With all the activity, he also slept like a champ and let mom get at least 7 hours of sleep (although a bit interrupted - 1AM and 4 AM feeding, but slept in until 8AM.) My parents have now left to return home, but will be back in a few weeks for another visit. They were an incredible help and wonderful to have around. Grandma Pat taught Traci lots about taking care of a little one. Grandpa Howard was a great baby holder, made lots of runs to the grocery store and also great morale support. Oh boy, lots of gourmet dinners too; we could get used to that. Looking forward to friends bringing in dinners this next week (thanks to all of you!!)

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