It's 6pm, I'm sitting at the RV Park picnic table, looking out on the view of the man made "brownish greenish" pond (Chad says it's natural and called a Pete Bog...I'll have to look that one up)...... with many signs reading "no swimming allowed." I'm armed with a glass of chardonnay...and all is good. Had a fantastic day in Seattle. Both kids are wiped out.
We took the jeep to downtown Seattle center. Didn't leave the motor home until almost 11am but we'll get the shower/getting organized for the day thing down as we go.
I tried to talk Chad into the city "duck boat" tour but when he saw the tour truck/boat with tourists chanting as they went by - he was basically not into that option AT ALL. So, he talked me down from that and we did our own Nelson tour of Seattle - very fun!
We started with the space needle (not cheap!) - Kyle's reaction was "oh" and had snacks up at the top and toured around. Outside the needle was a great option for young kids, lots of rides...Kyle did a few of those and loved them (fire engine ride, space ship and a crazy flying boat.)
Just a few steps away was the monorail. That's a cheap thrill for Kyle because any moving vehicle that resembles a train is like Christmas morning. The mono rail took us straight into downtown and then down the VERY STEEP hill to the Market. I had to be the typical tourist and hit that (with the other million people there) to see the Fish Market where they yell, and throw fish - there were some really ugly fish there. I made Chad walk with me down the middle of the market with our huge (and very packed) stroller just to say we did it. I only ran into the back of a few heels - no major injuries.
After that it was back to the monorail, back to the jeep (didn't have keys to unlock the door but back hatch was unlocked - phewwww) and now back to the park. Contemplating dinner but thinking cashews and wine aren't a bad option. Great day, kids were well behaved and survived our day excursion to Seattle.