Friday, August 20, 2010

Pac Northwest Adventure - Day 2 (Seattle)

It's 6pm, I'm sitting at the RV Park picnic table, looking out on the view of the man made "brownish greenish" pond (Chad says it's natural and called a Pete Bog...I'll have to look that one up)...... with many signs reading "no swimming allowed." I'm armed with a glass of chardonnay...and all is good. Had a fantastic day in Seattle. Both kids are wiped out.
We took the jeep to downtown Seattle center. Didn't leave the motor home until almost 11am but we'll get the shower/getting organized for the day thing down as we go.
I tried to talk Chad into the city "duck boat" tour but when he saw the tour truck/boat with tourists chanting as they went by - he was basically not into that option AT ALL. So, he talked me down from that and we did our own Nelson tour of Seattle - very fun!
We started with the space needle (not cheap!) - Kyle's reaction was "oh" and had snacks up at the top and toured around. Outside the needle was a great option for young kids, lots of rides...Kyle did a few of those and loved them (fire engine ride, space ship and a crazy flying boat.)
Just a few steps away was the monorail. That's a cheap thrill for Kyle because any moving vehicle that resembles a train is like Christmas morning. The mono rail took us straight into downtown and then down the VERY STEEP hill to the Market. I had to be the typical tourist and hit that (with the other million people there) to see the Fish Market where they yell, and throw fish - there were some really ugly fish there. I made Chad walk with me down the middle of the market with our huge (and very packed) stroller just to say we did it. I only ran into the back of a few heels - no major injuries.
After that it was back to the monorail, back to the jeep (didn't have keys to unlock the door but back hatch was unlocked - phewwww) and now back to the park. Contemplating dinner but thinking cashews and wine aren't a bad option. Great day, kids were well behaved and survived our day excursion to Seattle.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pac Northwest Adventure - Day 1

We're on our trip! We left town Tuesday night at 8 pm, arrived to Scottsburg, OR (Chad's parents) at 5am, slept for a few hrs and enjoyed Chad's birthday (8/18) with his parents. We set off for Canada today (8/19) around noon, made a stop at Costco (loaded up with goodies), drove through Portland and many small towns along the way and arrived at our RV park in Bothell, WA around 8PM this evening.
Chad did a great job driving the 38 ft motor home with jeep trailing behind. Kyle calls us a "train" because we're towing the car. This is totally the way to travel with kids - potty, fridge, microwave (all of which I used constantly) and will look forward to the washer/dryer, stove top, etc in the coming 10 days. There are pop outs so when we're parked this lovely vehicle becomes a luxury home in minutes. We are so thankful to Chad's parents for being brave & generous enough to let us experience their home on wheels. Oh, big bonus is the porta crib that conveniently fits into a corner of the motor home - so Sean does have a portable cage.
I feel like I got a workout along the way having jumped up and down from my seat six million times to get various things for kids, but all in all they did really well for the 7 or so hours we did on the road today. Don't forget, that's after 9 hrs in the car Tuesday night..but they slept through most of that.
Sean has been surprisingly good - he loves being away from home. Kyle loved the many bridges we passed over to get here. Tomorrow we'll tour downtown Seattle.
Before I leave you for the night, just have to share that I am so happy to have this break, am sitting here at the motor home kitchen table with a beer and both kids are sound asleep ( love that sound - of nothingness...and the click of the keys on the keyboard). Here are a few pics to give you an idea.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pre Vacation

Ok, we leave tomorrow after work. In the last 24 hours I've managed to do nothing to get ready, and loose my blackberry phone. This is going to be very interesting. Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted on our progress via blog. First destination is Scottsburg, OR, then Seattle, Vancouver, Calgary and Montana....I'm sure lots of little towns in between but Chad does all the planning - I just show up and pray I packed enough clothes for everyone (usually not a problem).

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