Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two peas in a pod

More pictures from the weekend!

Finally feels like summer around here....

Such a nice weekend here; the rain has hopefully left us for a while. Saw a lot of family this weekend which was nice. Vicki, Scott, Olivia and my mom had BBQ Friday night. On Saturday Sean and I did a run (w/the bob stroller) and then we did a family hike/bike up in Los Gatos. Saturday night Chris, Shannon and Lily arrived. We got to take Lily for the night while Chris and Shannon did dinner & a movie. We love Lily!! All 3 of them played so hard and had such a good time.
This morning Mom came for a spectacular brunch that Shannon prepared. Later today we took the boys up to my favorite childhood destination - Garrod horse farms. Even cooler now (as an adult) is the Cooper-Garrod wine tasting room they have on site. Didn't get to do that but took the kids to the stables to see & pet all the different horses. A number of horse owners even introduced us to their horses. Lucky for us one unknown cowboy took Kyle into the stall and showed him how to feed his horse carrots off the palm of his hand. Boys got a huge kick out of that experience.
Next we went over to Saratoga Springs, played on the bouncy houses and spent lots of time exploring the creek. On the way back we brought the boys to the cemetery in Saratoga my Grandmother May is buried in. Unfortunately did not have flowers to leave (next time), but was glad we could pay a visit. As the boys say, we enjoy our "adventures."

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