Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Month Update

Sean is now 4 weeks old. I took him into Dr. Safir on Tuesday and he was given a clean bill of health - ear infection has cleared up. He is also up to 10 pounds and has grown an inch. We've been a bit more active and out of the house (thankfully) this past week. We have been doing some rigorous walks and today ventured out to "Diaper Days" at the movie theater (this is a movie that moms and babies can go to) - I used to do it with Kyle too and it was one of my maternity leave highlights. Sean slept in his car seat the entire movie - it was nice. Speaking of maternity leave, I'm 1/2 way through it already, the time is flying.
Kyle is doing great too. He really enjoys his 2 days a week at daycare - we call them "school days." He no longer tears up when I leave him there, but instead, gets excited and runs outside to join his friends - he knows them by name. He does the funniest things - this morning he loaded up the pile of laundry I had in our bedroom into his little cart and pulled it to the laundry room for me. Then this evening he ran his bottle of milk to the fridge when he was done and then went back and got it when he was ready for bed. He picks up so much from us, it is fascinating - although a little scary at times. He is such a happy boy, and so loving.
The picture is of Sean and "Dr. Dave." More later - gotta run!

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