Last week was another intense week at work, many long days/hours but I am (hopeful) that while things will remain busy, the worst of it is behind us (for another year!). This weekend we enjoyed a
BBQ with friends on Saturday night (lots of kids, lots of wine....I promise it's not as bad as it sounds). Today I gave Chad a break, took the kids down to Aunt Vicki's to visit with Aunt Lori and Sarah. We went for a 3 mile run while Kyle rode his bike (& Sean in jogger), and Hannah & Sarah walked with Vicki. It was a beautiful loop in San Martin. Finally a day without rain. The
phenomenon this year is called June-
uary because since the beginning of the month it's been raining - global warming I guess.
Lori and I got away for couple hours while Vicki (so graciously) watched all kids while we ran to a couple of wineries. Very fun. Rest of the day was lazy.....so nice. Here's a picture of Sarah, Hannah and the boys along with Hannah's new kitten "midnight."