Monday, July 13, 2009

Obsessed with Cars - "Real Cars"

So Kyle has decided that he wants to spend every waking minute going out to our garage and playing in my car. He literally wakes up and runs out there - throws the car door open and slams it behind him. Pretends to put keys in the ignition and plays with the steering wheel and every button possible. I get in, and my seat is all the way back, stereo blasting and windshield wipers on. Not to mention my car clock is always off.
There was one evening that he ran into the house, and without hesitation grabbed my keys off the kitchen desk, and tried to put the car key in the ignition - that's when it gets a bit concerning. Other crazy thing is, now when we go on our evening walks, he tries to open the door to our neighbors parked cars along the street. It's truly an obsession. Here's a video to give the the gist.

Nelson Hip Hop Holiday

Introducing the Nelson Monster Mash

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