Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 1

So I dropped Kyle and Sean off at daycare. I spent the first hour in the room with Sean, and nursed him/put him to sleep. There are 12 other babies in the room - a little chaotic. Sean will have Erika taking care of him, the same woman that took care of Kyle while he stayed in the infant facility.
To pass the time today I needed to keep busy and do something for Sean, so I (for the first time) made baby food. It's actually easier than I thought, and I'm hoping to keep it up. I pureed and froze sweet potatoes, peas and apples. It made more than I thought so I feel like I've got a months supply on hand (kind of cool).
Talk to you soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I just pulled out and labeled all the supplies Sean needs for daycare tomorrow. I actually feel sick to my stomach. It seems even harder this time around because I know what those first few days are like...they are miserable. I haven't been separated from Sean since he was born, and he's my baby. He'll only be there a few hours, this is his "trial week", but it doesn't make it any easier. Giving your baby up to someone else is one of the hardest things. Sigh......

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