We had a wonderful trip to Maui! Kyle loved the water, and picked up a lot of crawling speed. It was on this trip that he first sad "muuuuum" - slowly becoming ma-ma and also made some noises that could possibly be interpreted as "dada." Chad has been busy since we've been back, being Mr. Mom now that I'm in my busy season at work and not home much. We're hoping things will balance out come July.
We are thinking positive thoughts and saying prayers for my dad - Howard (Grandpa Howard). We wish Chad, Grandpa Howard and Grandpa Ron a very happy Father's Day. Kyle seems to be changing every day and wants to walk - so bad. He is plump now because he loves to eat and seems to be scarfing down food all the time. His new discoveries are french fries, quessadillas and cheerios.
He's really fun, always happy, very active and pretty tough. Dad wrestles with him a lot, as if he's in some kind of training program. Love to all!