Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had a beautiful Thanksgiving. Ron and Lynn were with us in San Jose, and then myself and the kids drove back to Oregon with them for a week. Chad met us, we did an overnight in Portland (Chad, the Kids and I) and then made the drive home together. Lynn cooked us a wonderful pre Thanksgiving meal before we left. It was a ton of fun. We worked on potty training, and broke Kyle of his "ba ba" (milk bottle) - thanks to Lynn for that. Kyle was obsessed with Grandpa's big magical gate and loved riding the ATV. Sean was a good boy with only a few fussy melt downs.
While in Portland we enjoyed visiting with my friend Meighan and her kids - we spent a great day together while Chad ski'd up at Mt. Hood. Kyle went nuts over their toy room and got along fabulously with little Georgia and Alex.
For Thanksgiving my mom was with us. We made a nice but fairly casual Thanksgiving meal and spent the day watching the movie Twilight and cooking up our feast.
Over the last month the kids have changed a lot. Kyle is less baby faced and talking in sentences (at times). He also plays with his trains, trucks and animals. He has a lot more imagination in his play now and makes all kinds of train and trucks noises. Sean is less new baby looking. He had his 2 month check up and was at the 75th percentile in height and weight. He's a little over 12 pounds now, smiles and coo's. He's really responsive and has a really strong head / neck. Dr. Safir was very impressed with this strength and said he thinks Sean may be a little bigger than Kyle. We also think Sean will keep his blue eyes and dark hair - we'll see. He's a cutie! Kyle still loves holding and kissing Sean. He's more into him now that Sean is responding to him. We still have to watch them together - Kyle gets excited and a bit overwhelming.
So much to be thankful for. We do miss Howard (my dad) so much and thought about him on this Thanksgiving day. Just not the same without his pround dad/grandpa smile. The time is going by so fast - starting to really think about the return to work....and enjoying my time at home with my family. Oh, forgot to add that Chad made a fabulous Turkey today (also thanks to Los Gatos Meats! - can't beat the Tumbled Turkey)

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