Monday, May 31, 2010

Other Cute Pictures from Spring 2010

Before I forget to post these, here are other recent pics:

Time with my boys

The month has flown by. Chad's mom saved us - moved in for 3 1/2 weeks while I got through my busiest month at work - we are forever grateful. Work is still busy but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sean has become a little more challenging - definitely has his moments. We now call him "Jack Jack" the character from the movie "Incredibles"; if you've seen the movie you know why - happy one minute, a crying devil the next minute. He's also teething and has been constantly sick, so he hasn't exactly had it easy. The boys haven't seen much of me, so that's been a change for them as well.
We had a great Memorial weekend. We were invited to hang with the Newmans & Bonfantines in Aptos at Seascape. Kyle had a blast with little Luke, they enjoyed riding their bikes, riding in the golf cart down to the beach, playing in the water, building sand castles, the bonfire, eating S'mores, and the highlight was riding in the little race card Jeff rented (see pic). The boys are really cute together. Sean did well with the Newman twins, but it was busy with all the little ones. We decided to call in a sitter for a couple hours and had some time at the bar (so nice) with our best buddies - Jeff, Annie, Lindsey, Michelle and Cameron. Chad and I have the greatest friends.
Having a 3 day weekend with Chad and the boys was so needed. Back to the work week! Enjoy these recent pics.

Nelson Hip Hop Holiday

Introducing the Nelson Monster Mash

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