Sunday, March 23, 2008

First Easter

It was a very special Easter. Not only did we have a wonderful visit with Grandpa and Grandma Nelson last week, but we had Grandpa and Grandma Rathbun this week - lots of fun. We made it to church this morning and had a great day at Aunt Vicki's. Lots of food, sun and a special Easter egg hunt. Kyle was most intrigued with Iris the kitten and the wacky chickens - it's the most amazing petting zoo out there. Kyle got a dancing chicken in his Easter basket that he giggles at, and he looked very dapper in the new Easter outfit Grandma Pat picked out and bought for him (see pictures). Lots of fun - it makes us all smile. We're very thankful.

Nelson Hip Hop Holiday

Introducing the Nelson Monster Mash

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