Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big Boys Wear Underwear

We've hit another milestone! Kyle has been showing signs of potty training readiness for quite some time but we've been a little on the non committal a.k.a. just pure lazy side, when it came to taking this next step. It started over the weekend, but I really held him to it on Monday. The morning started with "Kyle, you are going to wear big boy underwear today." Then Chad had to show him that he was wearing his underwear. This was followed by ongoing discussions about how we all use the potty and only baby Sean would still wear diapers. Then it was the huge fan fare every time he used the potty, and it just took off from there. I took him to the mall and we used the potty; I took him to the swim club and he used the potty, and we quickly got through a day of hitting various bathrooms (talk about germ overload).
The ironic part of this, and the reason I had to post this to the blog tonight (before I forgot) was that on our official potty training day (7/26) Chad decided to come home with a backpack from REI for Kyle that holds water, and has a tube to drink water out of (they are called camel bags - see attached pictures). I guess he thought Kyle would get a kick out of it on our upcoming vacation and while he rides his bike. So Kyle proceeded to wear it all evening, drink a gallon of water and run to the toilet every 1/2 hr. What is really funny is that Kyle doesn't say in a calm voice "I need to go potty." It's more of a panicked shriek...."mommy, I need to pee,......hurry, it's coming!!!" which basically throws me into a frenzy to find the nearest potty in the house, store, neighborhood - you name it. That's why they say you have to be committed to it.
So today (Tuesday), I took Kyle to school wearing underwear. His teacher had a confused look on her face and I explained to her that he was ready and that putting him in pull ups backfires because he reminds me that "he can pee in diapers." Long story short, he got through school today and no accidents (that I'm aware of). It was water play day, so he did come home in a change of clothes but mysteriously wearing the same pair of underwear.
OK one more story. So I get home a little late from work tonight, but I'm absolutely excited about Kyle being potty trained (hopefully he sticks with it) and I'm probably more excited than he is, so I decide at 8:30PM at night to take him to Target to pick out more underwear. Seemed like a cool thing to do. Note to self (and other parents out there). Do not take your child who has been at school all day, is exhausted and very hyper to Target. He proceeded to run down all the aisles, fall down, scream and hurt his wrist. I was an "attraction" in the store. We did make it out with Buzz Light Year, Thomas the Train and Lightening McQueen underwear, but it wasn't quite the outing I was hoping for.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Had to get all this documented because it was an interesting comedy of errors.
ps - forgot to mention when Chad went to REI (we had a great gift certificate) he got me an awesome bike too...and I love it (see picture)

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Favorites

Weeks ago I was talking to you about how Kyle loves riding his bike and all the progress he's making. Seems right now all he wants to do is play baseball. The minute I get home from work Kyle says "mom, play baseball game?" Included is a video of our so called "game." He'd rather not use a baseball T, he's all about having it pitched to him.
Regarding Sean, well he's a handful. He loves watching Kyle and his smile is so big. The minute he doesn't get what he wants, he's a very angry baby. He's got quite a temper on him. Like I've said all along, the happiest baby in the world one minute and angry Sean the next. We love our boys.

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