Friday, October 16, 2009

Flu Bug

At the end of each day I think to myself, "what exactly did I accomplish today?" It's always much less than I had hoped. Today it was a day dedicated to Dr's appointments. It seems myself, Kyle and Sean are all sick. I've had a horrible cough for a couple weeks and both Sean and Kyle are super congested, cough, the works. Found out today that our poor little Sean actually has an ear infection, which our doctor mentioned was "rare for such a young baby." Not really what you want to hear. Kyle has yet to even have an ear infection, so wondering if this is the start of something with little Sean, but could be a fluke. So, at the end of the day, we're all on antibiotics - and pretty sure we're swine flu free, just the common flu bug.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ground Hog Days

It's like de ja vu around here. In fact, I just looked back on my earlier blog posts from Kyle's first few weeks, and it's like "history repeating." Sean is doing well, was at the Dr's last week and had jumped from 8 pd 6 oz to 8 pd 15 oz - so that was a relief. Only reason I was concerned was because he dropped so much the first week and wasn't putting it on real fast - my milk was slow to come in. He's lost his umbilical cord now (Dr. Safir helped with that - it was ready) and is taking morning showers with dad. In fact, Chad is such a trooper he takes both kids in the shower with him, which is a huge short cut for me. Kyle loves taking a shower and now stays in for a few mins by himself while we get organized.
Kyle's continuing favorite phrase is "no baby don't cry." He's still hard on his little brother, so close supervision is needed (at all times).
The Chialas generously donated their double stroller to us, so I took both kids in it for a long walk this morning and to the park (and starbucks - that's just a given). It works out well to get a morning outing in before lunch/nap time.
I'm finding time to study for my HR exam in January. That'll fill in any open gaps of time - and those are few and far between.
All is going well, still getting enough sleep to feel human -6 or so hours a night. Hope everyone is doing well.

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