Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dinner Time!

Need a good laugh....check this out!

Monday, June 22, 2009

We're Back!

It's been a while. I hadn't intended to stop blogging, but life seemed to keep on happening and with less and less time in the day for the "extras." All I can say is, we're back and committed to keeping this up.
To catch you up, Kyle is now 21 months, baby boy ? is 27 weeks and life has been busy. We're enjoying summer and looking forward to the new arrival. My mom now has her house on the market and is looking forward to moving back into the Bay Area. We miss Dad, and think about him every day but know he's smiling down on us (with the proud dad smile he always wore). Work has been busy, but we're still finding time to have fun. Most recently we did a weekend trip to Yosemite, Big Sur Camping and some quickie day trips to the beach. We're looking forward to the 4th of July visiting Chad's parents in Oregon.
Kyle is picking up new words by the day. His new "regulars" are: Bob Bob (aka sponge bob), bapple (apple), awe du (I do), bubbles, ball, that I think of it, he seems to be into B words. He's quite a character, and still coming home from daycare with "ouch reports" on a regular basis. No fear of anything and always getting hurt. He is very loving, and his new thing is to take a bath, get into his PJ's, brush his teeth and then settle into the couch with me (in the same spot every evening) with his blankie and some milk. He even was stroking my hair the other night, he's a momma's boy and I totally soak it up.
They say it's hard to put into words how much you love your kids, and it's so true. It's such a unique love, one that brings tears (that's the pregnancy hormones talking again). I am though, oozing with love for him and wondering at times, what life will be like with two - but I know Chad & I have enough love for as many Nelson kids that we end up being blessed with (if you ask Chad, that's 2, if you ask Traci, that's 3)....The Great Debate.
I'll write more later, just breaking you in! Enjoy the pics and funny video.

Nelson Hip Hop Holiday

Introducing the Nelson Monster Mash

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