Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Already November

The time is really flying. We had a great Halloween and are well on our way to Thanksgiving/Christmas. Kyle enjoyed "Tick or Teet" - that's how he says it, and had his two cousins to show him how it was done. Both Chad and Kyle dressed in their biker/tattoo outfits (mom took a pass this year). The spooky masks and decorations made him a bit nervous, but he seemed to get over that too. He calls the scary Halloween stuff "smooky" (aka spooky) and still greets the Halloween pirate in our garage by saying "Bye Smooky" or "See ya Smooky."
Sean is doing well although a bit fussier than his older brother (when he was a newborn). He's battling stomach bubbles and takes a little bit to get settled, but still a great sleeper (I'll take it!) Kyle asks if he can hold Sean all the time by saying "hold baby?" Kyle is linking words together and jabbering all the time. In the last 2 months his speech has really taken off.
Sean, Kyle and I made a trip down to Nipomo this last week to see my mom. Kyle really enjoyed the change of scenery and playing with my moms dog (Loki) and cat (Skitty). We also did some shopping, played at Dinosaur park and had birthday brunch at the Madonna Inn with my sister Lori (Happy 45th!).
This week Chad's parents are here with us. They blessed us with babysitting Sat night and Chad and I joined our friends Brady & Bridgette at the Shark Game (it was a blast). Chad and I reunited at last - with 2 kids it gets tougher to find quality time together. It's great having them here and I've appreciated all the help.
I'm back to my workout routine and even found that I can do my elliptical machine with Sean in the front pouch. He falls asleep instantly! I'm motivated to get that baby weight off, and making slow progress. Above are some fun pics. Below is Kyle and his cousins Sara and Lynsey - "rockin' out!" He absolutely idolizes these girls and calls them "da" - which I think came from trying to say Sara but now calls them both that.

Nelson Hip Hop Holiday


Introducing the Nelson Monster Mash

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