Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Growing So Fast

Here are a couple new pics of the boys. Just tonight Chad said to me "they are growing so fast." It's like we turn around and all of the sudden Kyle is almost 2 1/2 and Sean is nearly 6 months! The boys are just so much fun and SO happy. I love that they both smile all the time.

What's new for Kyle? Obsessed with riding his bike (it has no pedals and no training wheels), is starting to talk in sentences, struggling with potty training, very attached to mom, loves the Upside Down Show, favorite movies are Monsters Inc, Bolt and Cars, is showing a lot more affection towards his brother, is eating us out of house and home and growing like a weed.

What's new for Sean? He drives his daycare providers nuts because of his shrill cry (that we rarely hear at home), is eating pears, apples, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes and peas, smiles and laughs constantly, can roll over, push himself backwards, is making moves towards crawling, loves staring at his hands (mostly the right one as he opens and closes it), is already in 9 month clothes, is always sick with a cold and on antibiotics and best of all, goes to sleep without fussing - I just lay him down in his crib and he eventually falls asleep. He still wakes up at 2am though.

This weekend we're off to visit my mom in Nipomo and Chads parents will come down from Oregon in a week or so as well. Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So simple, yet so perfect!

I promise I'll post more pics soon, but in the meantime, just want to share my day with you. So today was the big 37. Birthdays are so different than they used to be. You wake up, acknowledge it, spend a busy day at work....and all day, it's all the little things that make it a day different than most.
It was the big hug Kyle gave me as I left him at daycare, the call from a friend/coworker this morning letting me know she was buying me a latte and it would be waiting on my desk at work, the flowers and card at my office door from another good friend, the bazillion facebook birthday greetings, the voicemails, the birthday song from my partners at work (although very embarrassing), the well wishes from my awesome work team, the amazing most loving email I received from my hubby, the pizza party with friends Chad arranged for me (the kids were so good while we were out), the homeade card Chad/the boys made for me, the lovely cards my mom, Chad's parents and other family sent to me. It all made a very busy "normal" day, seem extremely special. I'm truly blessed.

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