Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's Inevitable

My return to work. Well it's Sunday night and this Tuesday will be my first day back at work. I'm anxious, nervous and a little stressed, but I know it'll be fine. We had Kyle in daycare last week for 4 hrs a day (trial run) and it went fairly well. He seems to be taking to Miss Erika (his caregiver) very well and she's getting to know him and his schedule. What was truly surprising is how exhausted he is when I pick him up. I guess he doesn't want to sleep (hard to believe with 10 other crying babies around him) and he's constantly taking in all the action. He gets home and is a zombie. I'm hoping he adapts soon because Chad and I are ready to play with him as soon as we pick him up.
How's the baby food going, you ask? He's a food hound. He loves it and hasn't had a flavor he didn't devour. He opens his mouth like a baby bird, it's really cute. Last weekend we were in Kirkwood with the Musser's and this weekend we were in Capitola for a warm 73 degrees! Love California. Well wish me luck, I'll report back soon. By the way, Kyle is almost sitting up on his own and continues to roll all over the place. Did I also mention he now goes to bed at 7:30, and usually falls alseep when we just lay him in his crib - ok, I'll stop.

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