Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I was reminded this past weekend how wonderful Tahoe is in the summer. Kyle loved his time down at the lake. We celebrated baby Ryan Burg's first birthday up there at the Burg place, it was tons of fun. Kyle played with the buckets of water down by the lake and enjoyed his time exploring the cabin. He practiced walking and seemed very motivated to "be a walker" - must have been his time with the older boys!
When we arrived home Monday evening, Kyle took his first steps. I just about lost it - screaming and yelling and calling for Chad. It wasn't a fluke, he's all over it now, but still a bit wobbly.
Kyle is so intrigued by all that goes on around him. He is the most amazing little person; so fun to watch him explore and learn.
He has learned a new noise that he uses when he gets mad - a funny grunt. I just realized that he learned it from me, it's the noise I make when he turns over on his changing table when I'm diapering him. He's a bit defiant at times - testing boundaries already.
He's absolutely incredible - getting more and more fun everyday. So much personality!

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