Monday, January 18, 2010

First Cereal

Sean has been looking very eager to eat, so we decided to give him a little rice cereal tonight. Similar to Kyle, he took to it very quickly. He actually sucked it down, it was pretty funny. He turns 4 months this week, and I've got his 4 month appointment on Thursday, so we figured it was probably ok timing to go ahead and experiment a little.
It is pouring down rain today. Kyle enjoyed running around out in the rain earlier today. We also met Vicki, Lori and the kids at the mall for lunch, to celebrate Hannah's birthday a little early. Kyle has really taken to his cousin Jake, they are so cute together. Jake is so tall now (he's 11), and when he holds hands with Kyle, the drastic height difference just cracks me up.
That's all for now. I'm off to study and hopefully pass my exam on Friday (wish me luck!)

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