Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sean Update

All I can say is - Sean slept thru the night! 9PM to 6AM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Naughty Boy

I just had to type this up while I remember the details. So I'm sitting in the family room just after I put Kyle to bed, and watching the "Biggest Loser" grand finale (my favorite show), and I hear a lot of giggling going on (in Kyle's room). I chose to ignore it for 10 mins or so, but it continued. I walked in, and in the dark I could see Kyle sitting up and shaking something. I flip on the light and with a huge grin on his face, I see him shaking his juice cup (filled with grape juice - dad's mistake) on the cat, while the cat is licking/cleaning himself as quickly as he can. They had quite a thing going in there. Grape juice all over Kyle, the cat "fat cat" and the bed. He knew he was in trouble, but boy was he proud of himself. As a result, Kyle is sleeping on a towel, in new pajamas, with a new blanket, and a very sticky cat by his side. The "juice cup" as Kyle calls it, has since been removed. Above is a picture I took of the boys this evening. Wow, never a dull moment!
I also posted a few pics from the Los Gatos Tree Lighting and Christmas Parade. We had a lot of fun, Kyle really got a kick out of it and waved at everyone in the parade. He's really into the Christmas lights. More later...

Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had a beautiful Thanksgiving. Ron and Lynn were with us in San Jose, and then myself and the kids drove back to Oregon with them for a week. Chad met us, we did an overnight in Portland (Chad, the Kids and I) and then made the drive home together. Lynn cooked us a wonderful pre Thanksgiving meal before we left. It was a ton of fun. We worked on potty training, and broke Kyle of his "ba ba" (milk bottle) - thanks to Lynn for that. Kyle was obsessed with Grandpa's big magical gate and loved riding the ATV. Sean was a good boy with only a few fussy melt downs.
While in Portland we enjoyed visiting with my friend Meighan and her kids - we spent a great day together while Chad ski'd up at Mt. Hood. Kyle went nuts over their toy room and got along fabulously with little Georgia and Alex.
For Thanksgiving my mom was with us. We made a nice but fairly casual Thanksgiving meal and spent the day watching the movie Twilight and cooking up our feast.
Over the last month the kids have changed a lot. Kyle is less baby faced and talking in sentences (at times). He also plays with his trains, trucks and animals. He has a lot more imagination in his play now and makes all kinds of train and trucks noises. Sean is less new baby looking. He had his 2 month check up and was at the 75th percentile in height and weight. He's a little over 12 pounds now, smiles and coo's. He's really responsive and has a really strong head / neck. Dr. Safir was very impressed with this strength and said he thinks Sean may be a little bigger than Kyle. We also think Sean will keep his blue eyes and dark hair - we'll see. He's a cutie! Kyle still loves holding and kissing Sean. He's more into him now that Sean is responding to him. We still have to watch them together - Kyle gets excited and a bit overwhelming.
So much to be thankful for. We do miss Howard (my dad) so much and thought about him on this Thanksgiving day. Just not the same without his pround dad/grandpa smile. The time is going by so fast - starting to really think about the return to work....and enjoying my time at home with my family. Oh, forgot to add that Chad made a fabulous Turkey today (also thanks to Los Gatos Meats! - can't beat the Tumbled Turkey)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Already November

The time is really flying. We had a great Halloween and are well on our way to Thanksgiving/Christmas. Kyle enjoyed "Tick or Teet" - that's how he says it, and had his two cousins to show him how it was done. Both Chad and Kyle dressed in their biker/tattoo outfits (mom took a pass this year). The spooky masks and decorations made him a bit nervous, but he seemed to get over that too. He calls the scary Halloween stuff "smooky" (aka spooky) and still greets the Halloween pirate in our garage by saying "Bye Smooky" or "See ya Smooky."
Sean is doing well although a bit fussier than his older brother (when he was a newborn). He's battling stomach bubbles and takes a little bit to get settled, but still a great sleeper (I'll take it!) Kyle asks if he can hold Sean all the time by saying "hold baby?" Kyle is linking words together and jabbering all the time. In the last 2 months his speech has really taken off.
Sean, Kyle and I made a trip down to Nipomo this last week to see my mom. Kyle really enjoyed the change of scenery and playing with my moms dog (Loki) and cat (Skitty). We also did some shopping, played at Dinosaur park and had birthday brunch at the Madonna Inn with my sister Lori (Happy 45th!).
This week Chad's parents are here with us. They blessed us with babysitting Sat night and Chad and I joined our friends Brady & Bridgette at the Shark Game (it was a blast). Chad and I reunited at last - with 2 kids it gets tougher to find quality time together. It's great having them here and I've appreciated all the help.
I'm back to my workout routine and even found that I can do my elliptical machine with Sean in the front pouch. He falls asleep instantly! I'm motivated to get that baby weight off, and making slow progress. Above are some fun pics. Below is Kyle and his cousins Sara and Lynsey - "rockin' out!" He absolutely idolizes these girls and calls them "da" - which I think came from trying to say Sara but now calls them both that.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Month Update

Sean is now 4 weeks old. I took him into Dr. Safir on Tuesday and he was given a clean bill of health - ear infection has cleared up. He is also up to 10 pounds and has grown an inch. We've been a bit more active and out of the house (thankfully) this past week. We have been doing some rigorous walks and today ventured out to "Diaper Days" at the movie theater (this is a movie that moms and babies can go to) - I used to do it with Kyle too and it was one of my maternity leave highlights. Sean slept in his car seat the entire movie - it was nice. Speaking of maternity leave, I'm 1/2 way through it already, the time is flying.
Kyle is doing great too. He really enjoys his 2 days a week at daycare - we call them "school days." He no longer tears up when I leave him there, but instead, gets excited and runs outside to join his friends - he knows them by name. He does the funniest things - this morning he loaded up the pile of laundry I had in our bedroom into his little cart and pulled it to the laundry room for me. Then this evening he ran his bottle of milk to the fridge when he was done and then went back and got it when he was ready for bed. He picks up so much from us, it is fascinating - although a little scary at times. He is such a happy boy, and so loving.
The picture is of Sean and "Dr. Dave." More later - gotta run!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Flu Bug

At the end of each day I think to myself, "what exactly did I accomplish today?" It's always much less than I had hoped. Today it was a day dedicated to Dr's appointments. It seems myself, Kyle and Sean are all sick. I've had a horrible cough for a couple weeks and both Sean and Kyle are super congested, cough, the works. Found out today that our poor little Sean actually has an ear infection, which our doctor mentioned was "rare for such a young baby." Not really what you want to hear. Kyle has yet to even have an ear infection, so wondering if this is the start of something with little Sean, but could be a fluke. So, at the end of the day, we're all on antibiotics - and pretty sure we're swine flu free, just the common flu bug.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ground Hog Days

It's like de ja vu around here. In fact, I just looked back on my earlier blog posts from Kyle's first few weeks, and it's like "history repeating." Sean is doing well, was at the Dr's last week and had jumped from 8 pd 6 oz to 8 pd 15 oz - so that was a relief. Only reason I was concerned was because he dropped so much the first week and wasn't putting it on real fast - my milk was slow to come in. He's lost his umbilical cord now (Dr. Safir helped with that - it was ready) and is taking morning showers with dad. In fact, Chad is such a trooper he takes both kids in the shower with him, which is a huge short cut for me. Kyle loves taking a shower and now stays in for a few mins by himself while we get organized.
Kyle's continuing favorite phrase is "no baby don't cry." He's still hard on his little brother, so close supervision is needed (at all times).
The Chialas generously donated their double stroller to us, so I took both kids in it for a long walk this morning and to the park (and starbucks - that's just a given). It works out well to get a morning outing in before lunch/nap time.
I'm finding time to study for my HR exam in January. That'll fill in any open gaps of time - and those are few and far between.
All is going well, still getting enough sleep to feel human -6 or so hours a night. Hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thanks to the Grandparents

An unexpected flu bug arrived to the Nelson household, which derailed Chad and I a bit. My mom fell ill first, and then Chad and I got hit with it (although different symptoms) about 24 hrs later. I'm still in recovery, with a bad cough, headache, and lack of energy (could be sleep deprivation too). We literally survived the last 10 days because of Chad parents and my mom being with us. We had laundry done, kids cared for, dinners cooked, you name it.
All parents are now gone - reality is setting in. The evening started with Kyle throwing his plastic play cell phone into the swing and hitting Sean in the head. That's just 1 example of how difficult juggling 2 is. Kyle and Sean can't be in a room alone together - Kyle is so excited about him, I think he'd drag him across the room by 1 arm if he could.
We visited Dr. Safir our pediatrician today (both kids had an appt). Kyle, with a quivering lip, was very brave and did his best not to cry - except when he got his shot. Sean was a trooper too. Only disappointment was finding out Sean only gained 3 ounces and isn't back at his birth weight yet, so we're back to Dr's next week. In the meantime I need to get him up more at night and feed him every couple hours. I was enjoying his tendency to sleep 5-6 hrs at night and letting him do so (guess that wasn't such a good idea).
Kyle cracks me up when he says to me "no baby don't cry" and calls my breast pump machine a "boo boo cup." He likes to try and jam the binky into Sean's mouth, but also tries to constantly take it out and suck on it himself.
I'm finding that getting out of the house with 2 kids (especially when not feeling well) is an undertaking - between getting us all ready, feeding, naps, etc.
It's all worth it though, just a lot of work - as everyone warned it would be. Chad and I couldn't be happier with our two boys, and bazillions of diaper changes (ok we could do without those).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Last 48 Hours

Wow, what a whirl wind. We celebrated Kyle's 2nd Birthday with a small gathering Monday night and then welcomed Sean Howard Nelson into the world Tuesday at 1:29 PM. The timing couldn't have been more perfect - packed it all in. It's nice to finally announce his name - and are happy to use my dad's name "Howard" - in honor of my amazing dad (so sad he couldn't be here to meet his 7th grandchild). So happy to have my mom here with me....and Chad's parents too.
Kyle had a great birthday (Football Theme) with lots of presents ( he's still working on opening), pizza, cake, and his little buddies. He was on overload the entire evening and enjoyed running around in the backyard playing tag, soccer and taking his friends to his grandparents motor home parked in the front yard.
Once the party was cleaned up, we all headed to bed and I woke up around 3AM with cramping, etc (will leave out the gory details). I called the hospital describing my symptoms, headed in and was in full blown labor by 4 AM. I got my epidural and was pushing (once my doctor could get there - sometime after 1) and had Sean Howard Nelson in 3 pushes. They said it would be fast and they were right. It was a relaxed day with my mom, Chad's mom, Jennifer, and Chad just sitting in the delivery room waiting around for me to fully dilate. I had an incredible epidural, did not feel anything - and literally couldn't ask for a better labor experience.
Sean Howard Nelson arrived very quickly, and is as healthy as can be. 8 Pounds 12 oz and 21 inches long. We are headed home in a few hours - opted to "sleep" in our own bed tonight. I was up most of last night with Sean but mostly because I still had so much excitement/adrenaline in me, and couldn't close my eyes. Today has been relaxing for me, but poor Sean started the day with circumcision, hearing testing, the works - he's been sleeping all day since. Here are a few pics will post more soon. Appreciate all the well wishes and we'll be anxious to show him off. He looks like his brother Kyle. By the way, Kyle came to visit last night and it was like a hurricane went thru the hospital room. He was into everything, especially the pedals on the sink! He loves his baby brother, and kept patting him on the head "baby, baby, baby" - a bazillion times and would pat my stomach and then point to Sean. That's all for now, will post more later.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Low Key Weekend

Seriously the laziest, most low key weekend ever. Part of it was still feeling lethargic from stomach flu (felt bad all day Saturday), part I'm 9 months pregnant and life is about to get really hectic (enjoy it while I can) and part, I just don't feel like doing much. I've got my next Dr's appt on Tuesday, so anxious to see what the news is on my progress. Kyle was a pretty good boy this weekend, and I've tried implementing some new disciplinary methods and less "emotionally charged" when he acts up - so hopefully we're on a better track.
Also, after a few times of putting him on the potty, he actually did go potty. He loved it when Chad and I made a big deal of it - we're hoping it happens more often.
Tonight it's raining and it smells so great. Football has been on all weekend (shocker), so I can tell it's starting to feel like Fall.
Weird pregnancy symptom tonight - my belly button (now a complete "outty") is hurting/sensitive to the touch...very strange. You can tell I had a slow weekend if I'm "reporting" on my belly button. I did have a great and very social Friday (I might add) - 3 hrs at Oakmeadow with Annie & Luke (playdate) - so fun! and then a nice visit from my friend Galina and then spent the evening over at Shawna's house (with a glass of wine I might add). Nice kickoff to the weekend. Oh, also spent 3 hrs reading 3rd book in Twilight Series today - love that.
Enough from me, you are caught up. Talk to you soon.
Pics: I put Kyle to work cleaning his highchair; the cat made his way into Kyle's bed (they are best buds); "regressing" - Kyle tries out all the baby stuff; "on the big boy potty" - and my huge stomach.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baby #2 Update

Had another Dr's apt today and I'm making progress. 2 cm dilated and fully effaced. Dr's said "I'll see you for an apt next week, but may be seeing you in the hospital before then." I guess we still have no idea when he'll arrive. By the way, you don't know the name yet because Chad swore me to secrecy...but you'll know soon. We'll get word out through our "network" once he decides to make his big debut. Talk to you soon!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Oregon & Maternity Leave

Once we left Tahoe we (my mom, mother-in-law, Kyle and I) headed to Scottsburg, Oregon for a week to visit my in-laws and "get away." We really enjoyed it - great for my mom, Kyle and I to get away, disconnect (literally) and relax. We really appreciate Ron & Lynn hosting us. Kyle had a blast riding on the jet ski, going up and down all the stairs (a million times), going down to the dock, riding the ATV (his absolute favorite), playing in the box truck, dump truck and crane and being with his grandparents. Kyle wore me out and had one melt down day but all in all - he returned home alive and well.
My mom stayed another week with me and then she returned to Nipomo (dog & cat in tow). She'll be back when the baby arrives. I'm adjusting to maternity leave, which is nice but also getting used to how active Kyle is - having a hard time keeping up with him (I'm now 37 - almost 38 weeks pregnant). He's also very verbal since I've been home with him - linking 3 words together now, repeating us and using words to ask for what he wants. Unfortunately this also means sentences like "no, momma, go!" - when he's mad. He's figured out all the locks on the doors, unbuckles his car seat, and his talent for mechanics continues to develop (it's scary!). He still loves his big boy bed but did come visit us last night at 1AM - praying it's a "one off."
He is very intrigued by every baby he sees, and talks about the baby and baby stuff constantly. We are hoping his enthusiasm continues.
Pregnancy is going well but I'm running out of steam and very tired/uncomfortable. So curious as to when he'll arrive - early or on time but enjoying the time to get organized and mentally prepare for what many have described as "very difficult times." Signing off to go to bed - 10 PM on a holiday weekend night - oh how life has changed! The pictures are of my mom and I enjoying time on the dock; the ladies reading the "Twilight Series" - no TV in Oregon, we enjoyed reading & eating; Kyle and Chad on the ATV (early morning - Kyle still in PJ's); Kyle mowing the lawn with Grandma.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Michelle's Wedding

We're in Tahoe, arrived on Friday and leaving tomorrow. We married off Michelle (my best friend!) It was such a beautiful wedding and ceremony in Incline Village, Tahoe. Although practically 9 months pregnant (4 more weeks to go) I was able to squeeze into a bridesmaid dress and be there for Michelle. I also did a reading, and Chad & Kyle came and stood up by me at the front of the church while I went through my piece (was a great symbol of love/family/marriage). It was all so amazing, and Kyle was such a good boy. We are here with my brother, Shannon and baby Lily; my sister-n-law Jennifer, Brian and the girls, and the 2 moms (Lynn and Pat). Kyle has loved being with his cousins, and created a special bond with Baby Lilly this weekend - loves to kiss her. I'm hoping his fondness for babies continues, since he'll be getting his own for his birthday this year. Oh yeah, did I mention Kyle's birthday is 9/21 and baby is due 9/24 - we'll see how all that works out.
Tomorrow Grandma Lynn, Grandma Pat, myself and Kyle are off to Oregon for the week. Mostly to get away and relax, but will miss Chad - he's not going with us. I pray I don't go into labor early but they do have hospitals in Oregon - although 45 mins from the house.....
Attached are a few pics from the weekend. Oh - and I'm officially on maternity leave now, which feels so weird but hoping I'll ease into it. There are many aspects of work that I'll miss - definitely my fantastic team/friends. Gotta run, will write more later.
Congratulations Michelle - we love you! You had the most fantastic wedding ever........

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Big day for Kyle. In preparation for new baby ? (we'll have a name for him soon), we set up Kyle's new big boy bed. We had purchased a set of bunk beds, and Chad came up with the brilliant idea of only setting up the top bunk, so as to not build a jungle gym in Kyle's room that he'd inevitably damage himself on. Kyle was so cute watching Chad put it together, he was really patient and watched intently as he put all the screws in their place and pounded it together.
I ran out an bought some bedding for him, and so far he took a nap in it (first pic) and is now on his new sheets for bed time. We'll see how it goes, I expect an early morning visitor in our room now that he can get out of bed. I'm sure we're going to live to regret this, but it's fun - he's growing up so fast. He's a bit territorial though, when I lay on it he says "momma go" and when Chad lays on it, he taps him on his arm and says "no dadda!" We went to the drive in tonight to see "Funny People" - very cute, and since Kyle was asleep when we got home, we just put him in the bed. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Little Man

Kyle is my little man. He's growing up so fast and full of surprises each and every day. Lately I think about how special our time (right now) is together, knowing that a little brother will share the spotlight in 7 weeks. We've had a lot of fun together lately. You remember how great summer is when you share it with a child - long evenings, warm weather, lots of water brings you back. Oh, and ice cream (lots of it)!
I'm now down to 3 weeks of work until maternity leave. It's been a really busy few months and wrapping up work with mixed emotions, but excited to make the transition to full time motherhood for a few months. Little nervous to, no one hesitates to tell you how hard the transition from 1 to 2 children is, once they've lived through it. Life is about to change - again. I've posted misc pics from our fun 4th of July in Oregon, Gilroy Garden and just summer misc. Hope everyone is having a spectacular summer.

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