Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chelsea Justine Chiala

In honor of my little niece Chelsea, I am starting up my blog again tonight. She has helped us put our busy lives on "pause" and re evaluate what is truly important - love, family, friends and faith. At 9 weeks of age she suddenly left us; way too soon. There really are no words, no explanations, no real reasons, but we will accept what life has dealt us and move forward.
She was truly the most beautiful little girl you have ever seen.
Life is so precious.
On the day after she passed away, a butterfly hatched out of a cocoon just above the last place she closed her eyes to sleep. No one knows how the cocoon came to attach on the window just days prior, but this beautiful creature appeared - blue and pink spots. The butterfly just sat on the step outside the window for a while and eventually flew off. Truly a sign from God.
We love you Chelsea, thank you for being with us and thank you for helping the babies that needed your organs to live on in your memory.
May you rest in peace: 9/29/10 - 12/4/10.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pac Northwest Adventure - Day 2 (Seattle)

It's 6pm, I'm sitting at the RV Park picnic table, looking out on the view of the man made "brownish greenish" pond (Chad says it's natural and called a Pete Bog...I'll have to look that one up)...... with many signs reading "no swimming allowed." I'm armed with a glass of chardonnay...and all is good. Had a fantastic day in Seattle. Both kids are wiped out.
We took the jeep to downtown Seattle center. Didn't leave the motor home until almost 11am but we'll get the shower/getting organized for the day thing down as we go.
I tried to talk Chad into the city "duck boat" tour but when he saw the tour truck/boat with tourists chanting as they went by - he was basically not into that option AT ALL. So, he talked me down from that and we did our own Nelson tour of Seattle - very fun!
We started with the space needle (not cheap!) - Kyle's reaction was "oh" and had snacks up at the top and toured around. Outside the needle was a great option for young kids, lots of rides...Kyle did a few of those and loved them (fire engine ride, space ship and a crazy flying boat.)
Just a few steps away was the monorail. That's a cheap thrill for Kyle because any moving vehicle that resembles a train is like Christmas morning. The mono rail took us straight into downtown and then down the VERY STEEP hill to the Market. I had to be the typical tourist and hit that (with the other million people there) to see the Fish Market where they yell, and throw fish - there were some really ugly fish there. I made Chad walk with me down the middle of the market with our huge (and very packed) stroller just to say we did it. I only ran into the back of a few heels - no major injuries.
After that it was back to the monorail, back to the jeep (didn't have keys to unlock the door but back hatch was unlocked - phewwww) and now back to the park. Contemplating dinner but thinking cashews and wine aren't a bad option. Great day, kids were well behaved and survived our day excursion to Seattle.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pac Northwest Adventure - Day 1

We're on our trip! We left town Tuesday night at 8 pm, arrived to Scottsburg, OR (Chad's parents) at 5am, slept for a few hrs and enjoyed Chad's birthday (8/18) with his parents. We set off for Canada today (8/19) around noon, made a stop at Costco (loaded up with goodies), drove through Portland and many small towns along the way and arrived at our RV park in Bothell, WA around 8PM this evening.
Chad did a great job driving the 38 ft motor home with jeep trailing behind. Kyle calls us a "train" because we're towing the car. This is totally the way to travel with kids - potty, fridge, microwave (all of which I used constantly) and will look forward to the washer/dryer, stove top, etc in the coming 10 days. There are pop outs so when we're parked this lovely vehicle becomes a luxury home in minutes. We are so thankful to Chad's parents for being brave & generous enough to let us experience their home on wheels. Oh, big bonus is the porta crib that conveniently fits into a corner of the motor home - so Sean does have a portable cage.
I feel like I got a workout along the way having jumped up and down from my seat six million times to get various things for kids, but all in all they did really well for the 7 or so hours we did on the road today. Don't forget, that's after 9 hrs in the car Tuesday night..but they slept through most of that.
Sean has been surprisingly good - he loves being away from home. Kyle loved the many bridges we passed over to get here. Tomorrow we'll tour downtown Seattle.
Before I leave you for the night, just have to share that I am so happy to have this break, am sitting here at the motor home kitchen table with a beer and both kids are sound asleep ( love that sound - of nothingness...and the click of the keys on the keyboard). Here are a few pics to give you an idea.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pre Vacation

Ok, we leave tomorrow after work. In the last 24 hours I've managed to do nothing to get ready, and loose my blackberry phone. This is going to be very interesting. Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted on our progress via blog. First destination is Scottsburg, OR, then Seattle, Vancouver, Calgary and Montana....I'm sure lots of little towns in between but Chad does all the planning - I just show up and pray I packed enough clothes for everyone (usually not a problem).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big Boys Wear Underwear

We've hit another milestone! Kyle has been showing signs of potty training readiness for quite some time but we've been a little on the non committal a.k.a. just pure lazy side, when it came to taking this next step. It started over the weekend, but I really held him to it on Monday. The morning started with "Kyle, you are going to wear big boy underwear today." Then Chad had to show him that he was wearing his underwear. This was followed by ongoing discussions about how we all use the potty and only baby Sean would still wear diapers. Then it was the huge fan fare every time he used the potty, and it just took off from there. I took him to the mall and we used the potty; I took him to the swim club and he used the potty, and we quickly got through a day of hitting various bathrooms (talk about germ overload).
The ironic part of this, and the reason I had to post this to the blog tonight (before I forgot) was that on our official potty training day (7/26) Chad decided to come home with a backpack from REI for Kyle that holds water, and has a tube to drink water out of (they are called camel bags - see attached pictures). I guess he thought Kyle would get a kick out of it on our upcoming vacation and while he rides his bike. So Kyle proceeded to wear it all evening, drink a gallon of water and run to the toilet every 1/2 hr. What is really funny is that Kyle doesn't say in a calm voice "I need to go potty." It's more of a panicked shriek...."mommy, I need to pee,......hurry, it's coming!!!" which basically throws me into a frenzy to find the nearest potty in the house, store, neighborhood - you name it. That's why they say you have to be committed to it.
So today (Tuesday), I took Kyle to school wearing underwear. His teacher had a confused look on her face and I explained to her that he was ready and that putting him in pull ups backfires because he reminds me that "he can pee in diapers." Long story short, he got through school today and no accidents (that I'm aware of). It was water play day, so he did come home in a change of clothes but mysteriously wearing the same pair of underwear.
OK one more story. So I get home a little late from work tonight, but I'm absolutely excited about Kyle being potty trained (hopefully he sticks with it) and I'm probably more excited than he is, so I decide at 8:30PM at night to take him to Target to pick out more underwear. Seemed like a cool thing to do. Note to self (and other parents out there). Do not take your child who has been at school all day, is exhausted and very hyper to Target. He proceeded to run down all the aisles, fall down, scream and hurt his wrist. I was an "attraction" in the store. We did make it out with Buzz Light Year, Thomas the Train and Lightening McQueen underwear, but it wasn't quite the outing I was hoping for.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Had to get all this documented because it was an interesting comedy of errors.
ps - forgot to mention when Chad went to REI (we had a great gift certificate) he got me an awesome bike too...and I love it (see picture)

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Favorites

Weeks ago I was talking to you about how Kyle loves riding his bike and all the progress he's making. Seems right now all he wants to do is play baseball. The minute I get home from work Kyle says "mom, play baseball game?" Included is a video of our so called "game." He'd rather not use a baseball T, he's all about having it pitched to him.
Regarding Sean, well he's a handful. He loves watching Kyle and his smile is so big. The minute he doesn't get what he wants, he's a very angry baby. He's got quite a temper on him. Like I've said all along, the happiest baby in the world one minute and angry Sean the next. We love our boys.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Not exactly sure if all boys have this much energy, but mine sure do. They literally do not stop. They remind me of the ferrets I had years ago (Weasley and Thomas). They would run around and play until they'd just pass out. They would get into everything to, not to mention the constant cleaning they required to keep "the stink" down. Amazing how much little boys and ferrets have in common.
I've just learned to get them outside as much as possible. So today...which is an attempt to get back to Monday's off....we will be hitting Happy Hollow Zoo. Here are a couple pictures I thought were cute. This includes: boys taking apart my cupboards, Sean eating a green bean, Sean passed out after his green beans and the boys watching morning cartoons together.

Have a good week.

Monday, July 12, 2010

More Pictures

Just realized you'd never know I was actually on the Oregon trip because I'm not in any of the pictures. This is proof I did partake - fishing and the jet ski! Also found a couple other cute pics I didn't want to neglect posting. Have a great week.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Celebrating the 4th of July in Oregon

A lot has happened in a few short weeks. My mom is moved into her new place (2.4 m from me), although still working on getting settled in. We've all had a virus which has meant lots of runny noses. Kyle fell off the top of a ladder while talking to the little girls next door (bruised up but not broken).
The real highlight was getting away to Oregon for the 4th. We left Thursday night, drove all night (9hrs) and arrived and Grandma and Grandpa Nelson's around 4:30 AM. We were a little groggy on Friday.
While there, we relaxed, ate a ton, went fishing, enjoyed the river/boat, jet ski, ATV, walks, and some amazing fireworks - thanks to Chad & Ron. They had a whole box which took about 2 hrs and all kinds of crazy devices - only one mishap but no one injured (thank goodness!)
Sean and Kyle were in their glory up there, so busy and so happy.
The trip back on Monday was long; making 3 stops (1 of which was Medford Costco) it was 12 hrs, arriving back to SJ around 11:30 PM. LONG DAY and the kids were ok but it was trying.
Sean is standing up on his own and trying to take steps, so it will only be a matter of time. He has completely given up baby food and only wants "people food." This means I need to go grocery shopping and get more creative with soft food he can feed himself.
Kyle is loving preschool (he was moved up to "room A"), is still potty training, talks constantly, likes to wrestle with Sean, and is really into baseball and basketball.
We just decided to start insisting he sit at the dinner table with us and eat what we're eating. It's been a rocky road. We made a few mistakes along the way with regard to his eating regimen that we're trying to avoid with Sean and make right with Kyle.
We're all doing well, very tired at times with so much going on constantly but nothing to complain about.
Looking forward to our motor home trip to Calgary/Lake Louise in August. Chad parents are being incredibly generous and letting us borrow their RV. What an adventure that will be. Enjoy the pics, you'll see the boys are getting big and are starting to look more and more different from one another - they are truly their own people.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Just took this one tonight - very cute. I think they are starting to figure out that playing together can be really fun. They make each other laugh all the time.

Then there was the night mom got home late and dad fed re fried beans from our favorite Mexican restaurant Adelitas to Sean - this was the result.

This video is of Kyle shredding it up on his bike at Michelle's condo in Capitola.

This depicts the shenanigans that go on when they are in their room together. Sean jumps up and down in his crib and Kyle does crazy stuff in his bed - and you just hear loud screaming & laughter. Then mom or dad has to go in and say - "time to go to bed!" (note the cat tail walking through the video - that's "fat cat" getting in on the action).
It's been trying at times having them in the same room but it's worth it and I think we're on the home stretch - Sean has even slept through the night 2 nights in a row (keep your fingers crossed!)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big Sur

It's feeling like summer. Last weekend we camped out in beautiful Big Sur - with the Burgs and Harringtons. We left Friday night after work and returned home on Sunday. We had such a blast with our friends and all the boys (6 in total). Chad did a great job of getting us organized, up there, set up and taken down. Only challenging part was Sean - still not feeling well and a little cranky. We did bring his porta crib which is truly a camping essential (we have a really big tent).
Kyle was in heaven - camping out on the river, endless rocks to the throw in the river, bikes, hills to climb, dirt to get dirty in, boys to pal around with, s'mores (2 weekends in a row) and all that mother nature, family and good friends has to offer. Camping is fun!...dirty, but fun! 5 loads of laundry later, we're catching up here at home and making our way through another crazy work/daycare week. Love summer and spending time with the boys (Chad too). Here are some highlight pics. oh - forgot to mention they have a great store/bar up the road - so Julia and I even got some girl time (w/Chardonnay) - loved that too.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Other Cute Pictures from Spring 2010

Before I forget to post these, here are other recent pics:

Time with my boys

The month has flown by. Chad's mom saved us - moved in for 3 1/2 weeks while I got through my busiest month at work - we are forever grateful. Work is still busy but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sean has become a little more challenging - definitely has his moments. We now call him "Jack Jack" the character from the movie "Incredibles"; if you've seen the movie you know why - happy one minute, a crying devil the next minute. He's also teething and has been constantly sick, so he hasn't exactly had it easy. The boys haven't seen much of me, so that's been a change for them as well.
We had a great Memorial weekend. We were invited to hang with the Newmans & Bonfantines in Aptos at Seascape. Kyle had a blast with little Luke, they enjoyed riding their bikes, riding in the golf cart down to the beach, playing in the water, building sand castles, the bonfire, eating S'mores, and the highlight was riding in the little race card Jeff rented (see pic). The boys are really cute together. Sean did well with the Newman twins, but it was busy with all the little ones. We decided to call in a sitter for a couple hours and had some time at the bar (so nice) with our best buddies - Jeff, Annie, Lindsey, Michelle and Cameron. Chad and I have the greatest friends.
Having a 3 day weekend with Chad and the boys was so needed. Back to the work week! Enjoy these recent pics.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


By definition "the capability of sustaining prolonged stressful effort." That's pretty much how I can describe this last month.
Life has been busy, and sleep has been minimal. My busy season at work typically heats up April and goes through at least June, so I've been mentally preparing. Just as expected (because the perfect storm was brewing) my moms home in Nipomo finally sold, so it's been a scramble to find her a home in the bay area. Luckily we did find something, worked with a realtor Thursday night to get an offer in and it was accepted. Beginning late June, my mother will be a resident of Quail Hollow in San Jose (55+ community), and just 2 miles from me.
Besides working 10+ hr days, I'm spending every spare second with my boys, a little time with hubby and just functioning in survival mode.
It's nuts now but will get better. I'm forcing Chad to plan a vacation for July or August so I can stay focused on some downtime with my favorite people (the fam!)
Boys are doing great. Sean, whom started crawling at 6 months, is now 7 months and fully mobile. He's pulling him self up on everything, and now reaching for everything in site (coffee table is his favorite). He's funny - so happy one minute and a screamer the next. He's a bottomless pit who wants to eat 24/7. Loves yogurt, bananas, apples, crackers, cereal puffs, and pretty much anything that can be mashed.
Kyle is a chatter box. Seems funny now that I was worried about his lack of vocabulary. His talking has taken off and he says the funniest things. He loves to yell at my moms dog "Loki - get in the backyard." He just tortures that poor dog. Loves to mimic us and gives me the most devilish glances - what a trouble maker. Today, Daddy took him to the lake to throw rocks and then we met up at a children's fair. It was my first break in a while and it felt so nice to be outside. I'm actually watching TV today and catching up on some Oprah/Biggest Loser. It's so nice.
Life is good! Working hard, loving my family, and found a great home for my mom (wish us luck getting through the next few weeks!)

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